iPhone 5 – Worth the upgrade?

So, After reading so much about iPhone rumours its finally out. The specs are out and you must have read so much reviews. But is the upgrade worth it? Lets run down the comparison before deciding

Spec iPhone 4 iPhone 4S iPhone 5
OS iOS 6 – Excluding Facetime over 3G/4G, Flyover & GPS, Siri iOS 6 iOS 6
Processor 1Ghz A4 1Ghz Dual Core A5 A6
Screen Size 3.5 inch 960×640 Retina with 326 ppi 3.5 inch 960×640 Retina with 326 ppi 4 inch 1136×640 Retina with 326 ppi
Size 4.5 x 2.31 x.0.37 4.5 x 2.31 x 0.37 4.87 x 2.31 x .30
Wifi 801.11 b/g/n on 2Ghz 801.11 b/g/n on 2Ghz 801.11 b/g/n on 2Ghz and 5Ghz
Camera 5MP 8MP 8Mp
Front Camera VGA photo & video VGA photo & video 1.2MP 720p Video
LTE No No Yes
Connector old 30 pin’ old 30 pin’ Lightning 9 pin
Accessory old earphones old earphones Earpods
Siri No Yes Yes
Price (US on contract) Free $99 for 16GB $199 for 16GB
Color Black & White Black & White Black and ‘slate’, White and silver
Unlocked Price $649/16Gb, $749/32Gb, $849/64GB

Those are major comparison between the last 3 generations. If you want to get the best out of your money and have iPhone 4, shift to iPhone 4S. Its worth the upgrade. But from 4S to 5? – If you are a fanboy and want to be the first to use it, Yes. But it would surely be not worth.

For my Indian readers – Do we need iPhone 5? Our people havent got 3G completely. So whats the use of LTE? I dont find the necessary to upgrade. But fanboys, like me, would surely want to have one.

Why its no big deal for 4S owners?

The change is no biggie. Really. Just the 4inch screen with LTE. No huge change other than that. Its not worth it to upgrade. The next iPhone might have something worth to upgrade for, like 10MP camera. So on the whole think before you upgrade.

Why upgrade from 4 to 4S than 5?

Simple. There are so much things new in 4S for 4 owners. Siri, better camera and improved processor. Thats a deal for you not to miss! But why not iPhone 5? Same as above questions. Its not so much worth to upgrade to 5. You can surely upgrade to the next iPhone.

To 3G/3GS/‘iPhone’ owners:

Its high time you guys upgrade. Try 4S. Its a raw deal for you fellows. But if you want the latest got get your iPhone 5!

I have enough cash and a Apple Fanboy:

Darn it! Dont even expect an answer. Just go take iPhone 5. Its just pure genius. The making is so sexy and it will surely make other company to redesign the phone. Oh! You can finally ditch your PSP or Nintendo for me. Gaming wont be the same!!

And, these are stats I got from internet! The view is mine and I am just sharing it with ya’ll!

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